Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 9 - Luke 1:39-56

I remember my first attempt at writing a worship song. That experience was more difficult than trying to write a twenty five history research paper. My first hurdle was the difficulty of NOT writing mostly about my feelings. The first draft sounded more like a journal entry than a praise song! I then tried to put in more attributes of God to make it God-centered and began to fish for adjectives that came to mind. He is faithful. He is strong. Wait, that song already exists.

Looking back, I realize that experience was so difficult because my understanding of God’s attributes was so shallow. Attributing things like faithfulness and strength to Him was familiar, but they were never really my own words filled with my own convictions. I guess I hadn’t experienced enough of life to understand the depth and beauty of God’s attributes.

Mary’s song of praise is full of God’s attributes and works, but they are not rehearsed praise. They are words that came from the depth of her “soul” to glorify the Lord. She praises God not only for what He had done for her, but what He has been doing for all generations, and even how He was fulfilling his promise to Abraham. God’s faithfulness throughout history became much more personal and meaningful to Mary, who was told that she was going to give birth to the Messiah. She was experiencing a huge turning point in her life, and God’s faithfulness must have been treasured by her like never before.

Mary’s song encourages me to treasure all the changes of life. When I respond to turning points with faith as Mary did, I will be able to see an attribute of God in a whole new light. And just like Mary’s supernatural encounter with Elizabeth and the already discerning baby in Elizabeth’s womb, God will send me encouragement and blessings with perfect timing in just the right way. As I know Him more, I will be able to say in my own heartfelt words, "There is no greater thing."

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