Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 27 – Isaiah 55

This passage of God's grace and hope was spoken to the Israelites during a destitute time in their history. It's the desert times that seem to highlight how poor and thirsty we really are. Matthew 5:3 says "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Praise God that he shows us grace by reminding us that seeking Him can only bring the blessed life hinted at in vv. 12-13. When hard times come, I tend to try to better things by my own means instead of putting my hope in the Lord. How many times have I talked to others first for counsel, tried to manage the problem but ended up making things worse, acquired things that would merely dull the discomfort, or perpetuated mistakes by not praying or meditating upon scripture? The words are very clear that his ways and thoughts are higher than mine. Continuing in my own means would only lengthen the dissatisfaction.

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