Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 38 - Malachi 3:6-12

As some might already know, I'm a big sports fan. One of the great subplots in sports is the "comeback": players who return to the sport and perform heroically. The most dramatic comeback in my lifetime was in 1995 when Michael Jordan returned to the NBA after a short-term stint in retirement. I literally jumped up and down for joy when I heard the news.

"Return to me and I will return to you."
"How shall we return?"

So how do Christians make a comeback? It's interesting that the starting point for answering that question is the UNCHANGING CHARACTER OF GOD. That's good to know, since I always seem to be changing: older, slower, flabbier...fickle, compromising, calloused. Thank God that because of his great love we are not consumed!

Then in verses 8-12, the Lord says the comeback starts with a return to OBEDIENCE. He says that the reason they have been under such dire conditions ("cursed") is because they have not been honoring God with their tithes for the temple. If you were there for ACCESS last Friday, it's sort of the same situation where they had committed to contribute to the running of the temple, but they weren't being faithful to it. When we're not living in obedience to God's will, it not only stinks but it also is futile.

But when obedience is combined with its symbiotic partner, FAITH, we are on the road to blessings. It might be immediate or it might be the future reward we will receive in eternity, but it will come. Jesus Christ our Savior went to the cross to offer forgiveness when we fail to obey. And he also opened the door for us to experience every spiritual blessing in HIm. He changes us to want to obey him and enables us to do it too!

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