Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 31 - Matthew 5:1-16

I've picked up a lot of pretty bad habits over the years: biting my nails, taking long naps, and eating fast food late at night are among them. However, one of the best spiritual habits I picked up in my life is Scripture memorization. I always considered myself as a prototypical negative by-products of the "TV generation": sit-com style humor and a mind that was made out of mush. I just saturated my brain with garbage and developed a passive thought process.

As the Lord was challenging me to renew my mind and change my heart, I got into memorizing chunks of Scripture, and Matthew 5:1-16 was one of them. As Jesus' words washed over my mind, I realized that his paradigm for living as his follower was so different than mine.

Blessed are the poor in spirit...
Blessed are those who mourn...
Blessed are the meek...
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...
Blessed are the merciful...
Blessed are the pure in heart...
Blessed are the peacemakers...
Blessed are those who are persecuted...

Jesus himself epitomized this way of living. He completely accomplished this through Calvary and flipped upside down every human strategy for "winning friends and influencing people." But the more and more I've walked with God, the more I realize his words are so true. By living out Jesus' words here, we can direct people's attention to the reality of God and his grace in the world.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:16 (ESV)

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